MGL Group Case Study

The site investigation was required to establish ground conditions for the construction of a new plant workshop and training facility with associated vehicle parking and service yard.
The intrusive investigation included trial pitting and the drilling of cable percussion boreholes to investigate and characterise the significant thicknesses of made ground and alluvial deposits underlying the site, to allow design of a piled foundation solution. Deep rotary-drilled boreholes were also carried out to determine the risk to the development from historic coal mining activity.

Environmental sampling was carried out and ground water and gas monitoring wells were installed and monitored to allow quantification of contamination associated with the previous industrial land uses of the site.
As part of the report, a conceptual site model with human health risk assessment and gas protection measures was included to inform health and safety requirements and facilitate planning approval for the client.
For further information on how we can assist you with Geo-Environmental Assessments please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 230 4521 or email:
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the Ground Up
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