Slope Stability Assessment

Slope Stability Assessment
01. Understand Your Risks
The potential for instability of naturally occurring slopes / embankments may need to be considered to ensure there is not a short or longer term risk to nearby receptors and the built environment.
Engineered embankments may also require assessment during an assets lifecycle to ensure continued stability, and if necessary, identify any instability and recommend potential remedial measures.
02. Understand Your Site
Depending on the project and investigation to date, Roberts Environmental would undertake a targeted Geotechnical Ground Investigation of the slope or embankment to confirm the composition of the slope, collect ground data and geotechnical test results. This is usually achieved by drilling boreholes into the slope.
A visual inspection of the slope to check for any visual defects will also be undertaken.
Alternatively, if ground investigation has already been undertaken, it may be possible to use this data to inform a Slope Stability Assessment.
03. Undertake Modeling
Roberts Environmental utilise specialist assessment software such as SLOPE W to model complex soil and rock interactions, potential slip surfaces and determine the overall stability of the slope or embankment in the short and long term.
The modelling is informed by bespoke ground investigation data and topographic surveys of the landform.
04. Provide Advice
The findings of the assessment are then compiled and summarised into a Slope Stability Assessment Report.
The report will detail the physical findings of borehole investigation and the associated ground conditions, a summary of geotechnical material properties from in-situ and laboratory testing, the findings of the slope stability modelling / assessment and finally, provide any suggested recommendations for remedial works if slope instability is identified.
Performance from
the ground up
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1 Croft Stairs
Newcastle Upon Tyne
55 Whitfield Street
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