Materials Management Plans (MMP)

Materials Management Plans
01. Understand your site
Materials Management Plans (MMPs) are generally required when undertaking earthworks or remediation to manage soil movement on brownfield or greenfield sites.
They reduce the requirement for soil disposal and importation, lowering carbon emissions, noise, and your costs whilst contributing to sustainable development.
Our experts start by reviewing all previous documents, discussing requirements with you and understanding your site and proposal. We can then start producing your MMP.
02. Avoiding Legal Action
Changes to landfill tax rules in 2018 mean that developers which reuse materials without an appropriate environmental permit, waste exemption or Materials Management Plan in place, risk significant fines and tax payments.
We will help you avoid these penalties by providing advice throughout the development and identifying the evidence required to demonstrate;
- There is a need for the material
- The material is suitable for its intended use
- The volume require is reasonable for its use.
03. Developing a Materials Management Plan
We develop Materials Management Plans which provide all of the required lines of evidence to prove a material is not waste.
An MMP must be completed prior to materials being excavated and we recommend it is developed at the earliest possible stage of project planning, evolving with the design.
MMPs allow materials to be re-used legally, without risk of future regulatory enforcement and the associated financial penalties.
04. Qualified Person Review and Declaration
On completion of the MMP, our registered CL:AIRE Qualified Person will review the Materials Management Plan to confirm it has been fully completed and prepare a declaration for submission to CL:AIRE.
Following completion of works on site we prepare a Validation Report which is submitted to CL:AIRE.
Performance from
the ground up
Our Offices
1 Croft Stairs
Newcastle Upon Tyne
55 Whitfield Street
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