Talk to our Consultants

ESG Due Diligence

Understand your site

We understand your site and the context within which it is being assessed.

The entire assessment is aligned to provide all parties pragmatic, cost- effective, commercial advice.

Assess your resources

Our experts collate and assess multiple resources including:

  • Desktop Information E.G. Regulatory Energy Performance, utility bills, building management systems and certifications;
  • Site inspection to review on site features such as biodiversity, transport and waste;
  • Regulatory enquiries;
  • Appraisal of technical reports.

Quantify Risk

We assess the significance of environmental, social and governance factors, taking your site specific needs into account

  • Determine what risks (if any) are present;
  • Determine the associated opportunities for improvement;
  • Quantify within the context of the site.

Provide Advice

Conclusions are drawn and cost-effective recommendations and advice is provided. Enabling you to make informed decisions by putting into context material ESG risks and liabilities, protecting the medium-long term value of assets when considering the changing investor, occupier and owner requirements.


Performance from
the ground up

1 Croft Stairs
Newcastle Upon Tyne

55 Whitfield Street

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