Environmental specialist continues its growth

Environmental specialist continues its growth
Following a strong financial performance in 2021/22, Roberts Environmental has announced the expansion of its Newcastle team.
The geo-environmental consultancy, which provides investment and development services on behalf of Property owners, has experienced an increase in its instruction book and as a result has recruited two new members of staff. New recruits include, Finance Manager Emma Locke and Phoebe Sowerby, a Graduate Sustainability Consultant. In addition, Rachel Stephenson has now completed her Masters degree and returns in her full time role as a Graduate Geo-environmental Consultant.
Emma has joined the team having previously worked within a high growth SME and major manufacturing business gaining experience in procedures, controls and the production of management information. Emma gained her AAT qualification in 2017, and she is also currently studying a Business and Management degree with Northumbria University. As Finance Manager she is responsible for all aspects of the accounting at REL as well as supporting the Managing Director in the implementation of the company 3-year business strategy and orbit plan.

Phoebe has joined Roberts following completion of her MSc in Climate Change at the University of East Anglia. Phoebe’s role will involve the implementation of the company’s Sustainability Roadmap and assisting in developing pragmatic and technical solutions to our clients ESG requirements.

Emma Locke added:
“I am very happy to be joining Roberts Environmental and I’m looking forward to getting to know the team. I was attracted to REL due to its continued success and opportunity to be active in developing, growing, and running the business. Hopefully, with my contribution and assistance in producing financial reports, and developing strategies and plans for the long-term financial goals, Roberts Environmental will continue to go from strength to strength.”
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For further information on how we can assist you with Geo-Environmental Assessments please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 230 4521 or email: Enquiries@robertsenvironmental.co.uk.
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